by New York Classical Theatre in the under visited scenic northwest corner of Central Park. You never know what to expect with free theatre so my expectations were sorta low but I was pleasantly surprised. I should mention that this production was a "traveling" play, with the audience following the action. Or, in their words... "New York Classical Theatre's hallmark is accessibility and a panoramic staging approach to performance. Site-specific productions are adapted to showcase the unique visual components of each venue through innovative design and choreographic elements. Throughout the performance, the audience follows the actors from place to place, as the plot unfolds from scene to scene. In this way, the spectators become active participants in the drama itself." This was pretty awesome, the constant moving to a new location created a bit of an agitation that added to the plot. While this production is currently over I want to put out a spoiler alert, these captions may give a few things away...

Opening scene, with Richard probably saying some dastardly aside to the audience...

Hey Lady Ann, I just killed your husband, wanna marry me? it's your fault I killed him by the way, you were way too good lookin!

Poor Clarence! he was my favorite..

The crazy looking guy who was supposed to kill Clarence but chickened out. He did manage to kill little Edward later in the play, although he felt really bad about it.

Lady Ann not too excited about the marriage...

Marrying her brothers murderer.

Now for the honeymoon.

The haunting of Richard "kill everyone I know" III
I went back for round II a few days later, so stay tuned for another RIII post! Also keep an eye out for their next production, Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" coming your way July 2010 in Battery Park.
Awesome, April! I love that you focused on the non-love story between Richard and Anne!